Our Services

Holistic Chiropractic

Chiropractic adjustments have been essential in pain reduction and healing since 1895. Modern scientific evidence supports the benefits of chiropractic for pain relief, reduction of blood pressure, and improved immune response. The Holistic Chiropractic session at L3, includes a combination of assisted stretching, targeted massage, breathwork, and adjustments to promote mobility, pain relief, and stress reduction.  This 30-minute session will leave you feeling balanced and connected. 

30 mins |  $88

Spinal Energetics

Spinal Energetics is a practice that combines Eastern and Western thought, to interact with a person’s spine, nervous system and energetic field, to harness a person’s own innate wisdom to know and heal themselves.

Each living being is not just a physical form but also a being of energy. Energy encompasses each of our aspects; physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and soul: Woven together with our ancestry, experiences, stories, personality, and character.

Energy is a spectrum from underactive to overactive. As Spinal Energetics practitioners, we intend to support our clients in meeting the middle path of homeostasis; balance, as we believe that wellbeing is each person’s birthright.

Through light yet powerful touch (and often no touch), an organic flow of movement and sound begins and progresses to shift, unwind, discover and release tension, resistance, and stories that may have been stored in the body. The movements and sounds are natural and primordial, they are a response to the treatment and are driven by an individual's energy, intuition and instinct.

Spinal Energetics is not something we ‘do’ to a client, it is a practice of collaboration to cultivate and support deep self-awareness in our clients to help them soften and-or strengthen patterns of resistance and-or submission that may be preventing wellbeing from flowing to them.

Influenced by various modalities, such as Network Spinal, Kundalini Activation Process, Alpha Alignment, Shamanism, Inner Dance, Reiki, Esoteric Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Trauma Release and Pranayama. With the incorporation of philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese Medicine, Yogic and Meditative traditions.

45 mins |  $144 Consultation  


ReikiPractic™ is a healing technique that combines the benefits of Reiki Energy Medicine along with the chiropractic adjustment to restore and enhance the Mind-body connection, reduce pain, manage stress, and promote overall healing. ReikiPractic addresses both the physical restrictions in joints and muscles and helps move stagnant energy in the body. This encourages the body’s natural innate abilities to heal and restore vitality. This unique treatment also combines breathwork, assisted stretching, and massage to promote mobility and stress reduction. Each session is 60 minutes and take home tools will be given in order for you to continue the healing at home. 

60 mins |  $133  

Intuitive Massage & Cupping

Our Intuitive Massage at L3 Collective Wellness Center goes beyond traditional massages by combining natural intuition with a deep understanding of the body's energy flow. Our therapists use various techniques guided by intuition to personalize the session and promote relaxation, relieve muscle tension, and restore balance. Whether you seek relief from pain, stress, or a connection with yourself, our Intuitive Massage offers a rejuvenating experience.

Combining cupping with massage can offer a unique and holistic wellness experience, combining the benefits of both modalities. Here are some potential benefits of cupping with massage:

  • Pain Relief: The combination of cupping and massage can provide powerful pain relief. Massage helps relax muscles, while cupping can release tension and improve blood circulation. Together, they can address various types of pain, including muscle aches, joint pain, and headaches.

  • Enhanced Relaxation: The soothing touch of massage combined with the therapeutic effects of cupping can induce deep relaxation. This can reduce stress and anxiety levels, promote better sleep, and create an overall sense of well-being.

  • Improved Circulation: Massage increases blood flow to the muscles, and cupping can enhance circulation even further. Improved circulation can help deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, promoting faster healing and detoxification.

  • Release of Muscle Tension: Massage loosens tight muscles, making them more receptive to cupping therapy. The suction created by cups can release deep-seated muscle tension and knots, providing relief from chronic pain and stiffness.

  • Detoxification: Cupping is believed to help eliminate toxins from the body by drawing them to the surface of the skin. Combined with massage, this can stimulate the lymphatic system, aiding in the removal of waste products and toxins.

  • Enhanced Flexibility and Range of Motion: Cupping and massage can work together to increase flexibility and improve joint mobility. This can be particularly beneficial for athletes and individuals recovering from injuries.

  • Skin Health: Cupping with massage can stimulate collagen production and improve the health and appearance of the skin. It may be used to address skin conditions like scars, cellulite, and acne.

  • Stress Reduction: The relaxation induced by both cupping and massage can reduce stress and tension, leading to improved mental well-being and a better overall quality of life.

  • Digestive Health: Some practitioners believe that cupping on specific areas of the abdomen can aid digestion by promoting better blood flow and balancing energy in the body.

  • Balanced Energy Flow: In traditional Chinese medicine, cupping and massage are thought to help balance the body's energy (Qi) by clearing blockages in the meridians. This can promote overall health and vitality.

Fees vary depending on session 

Reiki energy medicine

The word Reiki means “Universal life Energy” in Japanese. It is an energetic healing modality that helps activate the natural healing process of the body through the energy field. Reiki is also simply a word that describes life force energy. For many, this life force energy can be referred to as Ki, Chi, Han, light and many other names. Reiki is one form of this universal life force or vital energy. Using this modality promotes overall balance to help you feel better and function with more ease by enhancing the life force energy which can also accelerate healing. Reiki helps restore energy when there is a disruption of flow. This can happen when we have negative thoughts, feelings or actions or have physical trauma.  Reiki heals by flowing into the affected areas and removing the blockages. This allows the life force energy to reach and maintain balance, which is the essence of wellness.   

30 mins |  $88

60 mins |  $155  

Red Light Therapy

FDA Class 2 light therapy is a natural and safe pain relief therapy to help dozens of health issues.

Based on NASA studies, the laser used at L3, delivers the exact light wavelengths that penetrate deep into the skin and send healing energy to your injured cells.

With more energy, cells can function more efficiently, rejuvenate themselves, and repair damage. Laser assists in cellular regeneration, but how does it work? Infrared light therapy is the only treatment that can activate the healing of deep cells. The healing light can penetrate your tissues, muscles, tendons, and even bones to increase blood circulation - further promoting and boosting the healing process.

It is a painless treatment modality that is a stand-alone treatment (15 mins) or can be added to your chiropractic therapy session.

15 mins Stand-Alone |  $20

15 min Add-On to Chiropractic Session | $15